Angel Gutierrez Solorio


SCHOOL: Life Academy of Health and Bioscience
PILLAR: School Climate & Safety


My name is Angel Gutierrez Solorio and I made this video to give a real perspective of a public high school student to show what I really think. I was tired of the school system overlooking students safety at school. It's not fair that Administrators get to decide the rules of a safe school rules because they have no clue of what goes on in the hallways and classrooms. Although I have never been a direct victim of serious bullying I have seen it and am currently seeing it everyday at school. Bullying should stop because it causes harm to those who are targeted by it. It can lead to physical injuries, emotional distress, and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. It can also negatively impact a person's academic and social development. Bullying can also create a toxic and unsafe environment for everyone involved, including those who witness it happening. It can lead to a culture of fear and mistrust, making it difficult for people to feel comfortable and secure in their surroundings. This can have a detrimental effect on the overall well-being of a community or organization. Furthermore, bullying can lead to long-term consequences for both the bully and the victim. Those who engage in bullying behavior may struggle with relationship problems and difficulties in the workplace later in life, while victims may continue to struggle with emotional and mental health issues well into adulthood. I hate that we overlook bullying because that is the biggest issue that stops students from feeling safe in school. Hopefully this video could help motivate our community members to change and support those students who are and are getting bullied because they need a lot of support.


Noemi Glendy Adelina Carillo Martin


Tanya Jimenez Gomez